Thursday, January 12, 2012

Blog 12: Service Learning

Where are you working for your service learning?
I'm working at the Pride Center up at Cal Poly.
Who is your contact?
Jami Grosser, Coordinator of the Cal Poly Pride Center and Co-Lead Coordinator of the Cultural Centers.

Summarize the services you have performed to complete the ten hour requirement.
I've been doing a lot of office work to keep the Center going. Working under the Center's two Social Justice Leaders, I've done everything from going around campus to advertise the Multi-Cultural Event that the Cultural Centers host each year to just filing and organizing the office space. While it doesn't seem like much related to my senior project, I think it's significant because one of the answers I've found is to have an LGBT-positive space to go to. 

How many hours have you worked?
More than ten. 


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